- range territory
- полигон, стрельбище
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
range — n 1 *habitat, biotype, station 2 Range, gamut, reach, radius, compass, sweep, scope, orbit, horizon, ken, purview can denote the extent that lies within the powers of something to cover, grasp, control, or traverse. Range is the general term… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
range — [n1] sphere, distance, extent ambit, amplitude, area, bounds, circle, compass, confines, diapason, dimension, dimensions, domain, earshot*, elbowroom*, expanse, extension, extensity, field, gamut, hearing, ken, latitude, leeway, length, limits,… … New thesaurus
territory — /ter i tawr ee, tohr ee/, n., pl. territories. 1. any tract of land; region or district. 2. the land and waters belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a state, sovereign, etc. 3. any separate tract of land belonging to a state. 4. (often cap.) … Universalium
Range war — A range war (taken from the term open range ) is a type of (typically undeclared) conflict that occurs in agrarian or stockrearing societies. Typically fought over water rights or grazing rights to unfenced/unowned land, it could pit competing… … Wikipedia
range — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. row, series, chain; scope, extent; habitat; limit, span, latitude; compass, register; Distance; stove[top], cooktop. See continuity, space, business, freedom, direction, degree. II (Roget s IV) n. 1.… … English dictionary for students
Territory (animal) — In ethology, sociobiology and behavioral ecology, the term territory refers to any sociographical area that an animal of a particular species consistently defends against conspecifics (and, occasionally, animals of other species). Animals that… … Wikipedia
range — Synonyms and related words: Alps, Andes, Caucasus, Himalayas, Indian file, Rockies, adjust, aesthetic distance, agora, aim, air transport, air travel, airfreight, align, allocate, allot, alphabetize, alps on alps, ambit, amount, amphitheater,… … Moby Thesaurus
TERRITORY — (Roget s Thesaurus II) Index noun area (2), basin, bay1, beat, border, home, lot, neighborhood, range, reservation, state, territory adjective … English dictionary for students
territory — noun (plural ries) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin territorium, literally, land around a town, from terra land more at terrace Date: 14th century 1. a. a geographic area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority b.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
range wool. — See territory wool. * * * … Universalium
territory wool — the wool of sheep raised west of the Mississippi River, esp. in Washington and the Rocky Mountain States. Also called modock wool, range wool, western wool. Cf. bright wool. [1915 20, Amer.] * * * … Universalium